Now a days Everyone is a product or fashion photographer today but a professional is someone can understand best outcome of their photographs and clients requirements that may need many unwanted objects to remove or enhance some portions from photographs using photoshop. Using Photoshop clipping path is the most accurate to do by Photoshop pen tool. The internet skyrocketed the need for a clipping path service. This is because it is the best method to remove backgrounds from images.

The number of online stores and eCommerce sites are soaring daily. Hence the most important concerns for these online stores and eCommerce sites are making their products eye-catching and sell-able to their numerous customers and this is why clipping path, image masking and retouching services come on the scene.

Why Alpha Channel Alpha channels work in the same way as layer masks. The difference is that Channels can work any layer, where are masks only affect the layer that they are on. The purpose of this tutorial is to help you understand how Alpha channels work and to shed any remaining fear you may harbor towards channels. To follow along with this exercise, load up a document with 2 layers and a different picture on each layer.